BLOG: Be Truth

By Rev. Keith Davis

The fifth New Beatitude is Be Truth.

The Truth of our divine Selves is out of this world.

The world will have you believe that you are sinful, guilty, separate, and temporary. But Jesus says that we are innocent, eternal and connected to all life as one. Our Father loves us dearly, we never walk alone, and all is well now.

Being in the space of oneness and love, truth prevails and all is known. No secrets exist. So God knows our every thought. This thought alone is cause for deep contemplation and reflection.

It also means that every thought is a prayer since God knows all thought. And that is why every prayer is answered. Because God hears it.

So when I recently thought about my dear Grandmother, Mamaw, and asked her to give me a sign of her close proximity, my prayer was definitely answered.

As it turns out, my ex-husband sent me a birthday present that was exactly what I asked for. I received Mamaw’s Bible. The one given to her a hundred yeas ago, from her mother, and chock full of love letters from me to Mamaw, and many of her favorite Bible verses and prayers, handwritten by the great lady herself. What a find and precious heirloom, and just what I had asked for.

Yes, this is an example of the truth that we are connected to our Father and He hears all and knows all. Through the longing of my heart and intentional desire, Mamaw’s Bible was delivered to me. It was everything I was praying for in one fell swoop.

Through oneness and alignment, truth reigns, blesses, and heals. In this holy space of truth, I am so grateful for my birthday present from Mamaw and my Father in heaven. Thank you Mamaw and thank you God for truth.


One Reply to “BLOG: Be Truth”

  1. I have had the pleasure and opportunity to know thousands of people in my life from all walks of life, from different cultures, varying religions, with a variety of view points. One thing I’ve noticed is that it DOES NOT MATTER what label their faith has, but was does matter is how often they stop to remember THE TRUTH that there actually is a sacred/holy/underpinning to this whole Universe. I’ve noticed that there is something almost ‘magical’ as I see their conscious recognition of an underlying Truth, that keeps their lives humming at a higher radiation of goodness, support, health, prosperity, joy, meaning, safety, than those who overlook this basic Divine principle. Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so. I think that Truth, when found, is in and of itself the Substance of Life Itself. “The Truth shall set you free!”.

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