Meet Rev. Keith
Keith is an American mother, ordained minister, published author, public speaker and intuitive life coach with a BA from Old Dominion University, who passionately embodies transformative teachings rooted in her unwavering love for Jesus. As the founder of Be The Christ Temple she dedicates herself to inspiring love, forgiveness, oneness, respect for all life, and enlightenment. Known as Rev. Keith, she delivers compelling Live Sunday Sermons on Facebook at 11:11 AM every week. Author of the bestselling book, Spirituality for the Common Man, Keith utilizes The New Beatitudes to structure and empower us all to be our best selves now. Residing in Chesapeake, Virginia she enjoys the simple things in life, where our pathway and reliance on Jesus makes all things possible. Her mission is to awaken mankind to Be Love and Be Forgiveness unconditionally, and to inspire the common man to be united in the common cause of Being God’s Will now. Finally, Keith asks us to think about our creations in this lifetime and to realize when all is said and done, we will be asked by our Father in heaven: “How well did you Love?”
This is an empowerment teaching for mankind given through divine guidance from Jesus Christ, containing His gift of The New Beatitudes. The New Beatitudes are Attitudes of mind that guide us in The Way to Be, thus they are Be Atitudes.
Join Us Here and On Facebook for Our Live Sunday Sermon at 11:11 AM at Be The Christ Temple
Our Church is Be The Christ Temple
Our church is founded upon the belief that we will know The Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is God personified and His intentions are for us to Be Love and Be Forgiveness. He also desires for us to see with his eyes in Holy Vision, beholding everyone as already deserving. We will be close to Jesus as we realize our divine truth and Be The Christ Temples with our names now. So be it.

My life’s mission and labor of love for Jesus Christ has no bounds. It is my honor to
share Spirituality For The Common Man, which is his divine gift and teaching globally, so we
may learn how to better ourselves in today’s world.
The New Beatitudes are keys to life and guidelines to provide clarity, improve our
character, our social imperfections, and align ourselves as an extension of the initial Beatitudes
presented by the apostle Mark in the Holy Bible.
This simple handbook yields a pathway that will change your life! It has certainly
changed mine ….in fact, it has saved my life by empowering me to rise up from severe
depression to become more than a conqueror over the snares of the world, to Be Victorious
and live my life closely aligned with Christ.
Over the years, the weight of the world was almost more than I could bear. Enduring
the loss of my beloved mother to ovarian cancer when I was 8 years old, the loss of my dear
grandmother, Mamaw, being disowned by my father for 30 years and abused by my
stepmother slayed me. I also suffered many miscarriages and the grueling loss of my infant son
to Trisomy 18. I barely escaped an unhealthy and dangerous marriage, and I almost gave up.
Yet my belief in God and trust in Jesus reminded me that there was a better way. There was
The Way, and I could depend on Jesus to save me, literally.
Through continued belief and trust in the Father, deep prayer and meditation with
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I prevailed through my deepest tribulations. I truly
depended on Christ and persevered with his strength to overcome adversity and find the will to
live again. Utilizing my deepest reflection on life, and much to my surprise, I received tutoring
through the dimensions by remembering my mother’s voice. I could hear her speaking to me
and with her clairaudient guidance, along with Jesus’s divine synchronicity, my understanding
expanded and the veil was lifted. As a result, and by many profound coincidences, I was
directed to seek help from my dear soul sister, friend, and renowned spiritual teacher, Sharon
Sharon was able to maximize my focus on Jesus Christ, and I saw him in all his glory. In
this life changing moment, I was healed, transformed and born anew. I became deeply
motivated by the Holy Spirit and was directed to write a journal to showcase a divine pathway
to understanding the love Jesus has for us all. Filled with hope and promise I prayed, meditated
and wrote for three months listening to my inner voice. I noticed that the journal writings were
in a biblical format, not the way I typically write. After a hundred pages or so I was filled with
confidence that I truly heard divine information and the table was set.
As my writings evolved I continued to receive “be phrases” and I asked if these were
Beatitudes, like I had read in the Holy Bible. My divine inner voice said “Yes they are The New
Beatitudes, and The Way to Be Now.”
I was blown away with joy and inspiration and danced around the room with
excitement. Since surely mankind could benefit from Being Love and Being Forgiveness now
more than ever. But I was also reminded that Rome was not built in a day and it would be
many years before humanity had ears to hear and accept this divine gift, but it will happen!
I understood his message and continued my holy scribe work for over eight years to
complete Jesus’ manuscript, which he titled Spirituality For The Common Man.
My inner voice has repeatedly indicated that Jesus is needed now, as quoted in the
book, “this world needs me,” and it certainly does. It is time for us to turn toward God rather
than away from him, to Be Love For God, to Be Love for Jesus, To Be Love For One Another, Be
Respectful of All Life, to Be Love and Be Forgiveness.
This is a holy time for us to Be The Common Cause For The Common Man and Be God’s
Will now. For surely the writing is on the wall and the day is obviously here that mankind has
lost his way and seems to be living in an upside world. We can overcome this dilemma, by rising
above the world’s negativity to be mindful of our loving Father.
As we all know, life is not easy, and we all need help sometimes. Let’s not take the world
on by ourselves. Let’s ask and we shall receive, as it says in scripture, and allow Jesus to spark
the love and direction to carry on, as he certainly did for me!
Herein, through this empowerment teaching and the strength it builds within us, our
love for Jesus is magnified and the divine way to discover our identity and true purpose is
revealed. In this holy moment The Way is clear and Emmanuel has spoken.
Being human, it’s beneficial to align our spiritual manifesto with our own day to day
experiences. This platform directs our life responses with love, acceptance, forgiveness,
discipline, understanding, kindness, mercy, and gratitude. So may we Be Now.
Life is what we make of it. Keep it simple. Our character is based on our responses not
the situations we find ourselves in. Why not build your foundation on these New Beatitudes?
It is my prayer that your inner divine self will emerge as you read throughout the pages of this
bestselling handbook that is profound in intention and divine in purpose. You will be better for
it and so will the people around you.
As a Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Life and Soul Coach and Social Media Evangelist with
over 30 years of experience and results in intuitive guidance, I have much to share. Let’s
connect with your divine circle in prayer and meditation, and see what your ancestors, angels
and guides have to say intuitively. Certainly, you will Be Awakened in clarity, awareness, and
understanding as a passageway to enlightenment is prepared and your new life beckons.
Over the past five years a spiritual awaking has also taken place in my husband, Robert
Klemstine. The New Beatitudes have inspired him so much so, that recently he also became an
ordained minister in extensive spiritual studies, as well as being the producer, editor, and
manager of our weekly Live Sunday Service. He is well known as the Bell-Ringer at Be The
Christ Temple and represents the common man approach to spirituality, and how our
sociological and psychological responses to others help define us all. His experience has been
from 40 years working in the Navy as a Health Physicist and Head of Radiation Safety as the RSO
at Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Being a Manager and Department Head his job was all about people,
how they react, respond in all kinds of conditions, and more importantly ensuing confidence.
When we close our eyes, we dream, we pray, we imagine, and see our memories as
clear as day because we control the narrative. So, open your eyes and live life; don’t let life live
you. Be sure that your loved ones are cheering you onward and you are not alone. Reach out
to us and know your dreams can come true, as you create your greatest self and best life by
Being Victorious in Being these New Beatitudes now. So be it.