3 Replies to “Why I Am Chosen”

  1. I have been chosen to give The New Beatitudes to mankind, and to inspire all to Be Love, Be Forgiveness, and Be One now. And so may we Be.

  2. “Why I Am Chosen” is the title of my new book, and I have quite a story to tell. We all have our stories and they either make us stronger or weaker. The choice is ours. I choose to be stronger everyday and never give up. To me that is the only choice.

  3. I have had the blessing to know Keith Davis for several years and to observe her “ripening in Spirit” as she has developed her beautiful book Spirituality For The Common Man and “walks her talk” each and every day. Keith’s life is a testimony to the power and truth of the words she has channeled from Master Jesus. She is a living inspiration and I am grateful to have encountered her in my spiritual journey to join with her urgency to “Be Love Now”. Our world needs this message and so do I, as an individual “point of light” in this dimension. You are so welcome to join us in this amazing current of love!

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